phamax Digital Academy

Quick Bites

Learn key digital marketing concepts in less than 2 minutes

We get it, you don’t always have time for long, in-depth articles on how to design your omnichannel strategy or how to ace your disease awareness campaign. But what about a short, easy-to-read visual that gives you the 9 key elements to include in your disease awareness campaign?

This is what our “Quick Bites” are for… actionable tips, best practices and summaries of key concepts that you can “snack” while waiting for the last colleagues to join the meeting room.

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Cover of a pdf about how digital can help reduce sales cycles in pharma
How digital can shorten sales reps sales cycle
Sales reps continue to be the cornerstone of your acquisition strategy. However, their sales cycle is long, expensive and quite limited in terms of scale and reach. Here's how digital can help use sales reps’ time more efficiently
Cover of a pdf about the differences between omnichannel and multichannel in pharma
Omnichannel & Multichannel: Pros and Cons
In this slightly longer Quick Bite, we delve into the differences between omnichannel and multichannel strategies, comparing the pros and cons of both. Understanding this might just be the key to a better customer experience!
Cover of a pdf about a competition between omnichannel multichannel in pharma
Omnichannel VS Multichannel: who wins?
Let's imagine "omnichannel" and "multichannel" are two football teams playing against each other to better reach the same audience (score more goals). Which team will win?
Cover of a pdf about marketing strategy rules for medicines
OTC vs Rx: 5 rules they share for their marketing strategies
It's no secret that OTC and Rx medicines have to be marketed differently. But regardless of the type of medicine you're promoting, there are universal pharma marketing rules that apply to both OTC and prescription drugs
Cover of a pdf about the differences in marketing for Rx and OTC drugs
OTC vs Rx: 6 key differences for their marketing strategies
Are you relying on the same marketing strategy for both your OTC and prescription drugs? That'd be a waste of your budget! Here are 6 key differences to follow when designing campaigns for your medicines
Cover of a pdf about benchmarks for journal banners in pharma
Pharma digital benchmarks: Journal banners
Let's have a quick look at benchmarks for the main metrics to analyse with journal banner ads
Cover of a pdf about benchmarks for Linkedin in pharma
Pharma digital benchmarks: LinkedIn
Let's have a quick look at benchmarks for the main metrics to analyse on LinkedIn for your pharma-related posts (for both organic and paid posts)
Cover of a pdf about benchmarks for Twitter in pharma
Pharma digital benchmarks: Twitter
Let's have a quick look at benchmarks for the main metrics to analyse on Twitter for your pharma-related posts (for both organic and paid posts)
Cover of a pdf about the differences between social monitoring and social listening in pharma
Social Monitoring VS Social Listening
Social Monitoring ≠ Social Listening! While these 2 social media activities are often used interchangeably, they differ in their scope. Discover their differences through a medical analogy. Get your stethoscope ready!
Cover of a pdf about 3 tips to get started with storytelling in pharma
Storytelling: 3 tips to get started
Storytelling is a powerful tool in pharma marketing, but it's crucial to identify the key elements of your storytelling campaign, right from the start! Here are 3 tips to get started with the art of crafting memorable stories